Habitability in the Solar System and beyond

In the framework of the GeoPlaNet Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership GeoPlaNet-SP, during 28 Nov – 2 Dec, MSc and PhD students participated in lectures, field trip and practicals of the thematic school ‘Habitability in the Solar System and beyond’, at the Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géosciences (Nantes Université, Université d’Angers, Le Mans Université et CNRS).
The lectures of the thematic school can be seen here:
– “Planetary habitability: an introduction” by Charles Cockell
– “Past habitable environments on Mars” by Nicolas Mangold
– “Mars: current habitability” by Frances Westall
– “Organic matter on ancient and modern Mars. Into martian habitability” by Caroline Freissinet
– “Emergence and early evolution of live on earth” by Puri Lopez
– “Search for life in the Solar System” by Jorge Vago: Part I & II
– “Icy Worlds” by Olivier Bollengier: Part I, II & III
– “Water-rock interactions: hydrothermal reactions, energy, and habitability of icy ocean worlds and beyond” by Yasu Sekine
– “Exoplanet Atmosphere Recipes“, Part I & II, by Edwin KITE
– “Les océans cachés des lunes de Jupiter et de Saturne” by Christophe Sotin (this one is in French !!)
– “Outer Solar System Exploration” by Olivier Grasset